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Please note that Lomavalkama is non-alcoholic area. From the map of Lomavalkama you can check the locations of cottages, beaches and saunas. Saunas will be heated if booked beforehand. We have also a small library (books are mainly in Finnish) and a TV available for travelers to use.

The cottages (1-14 on our map) do not have running water, their own toilets or showers. There are few toilet and shower vans located near the cottages. Toilets and showers that are in the same building as out reception are also available for our guests. We have several different sized cottages starting from 2 persons to all the way to 6 persons.

Our rooms (16-19 on our map) have their own toilets and showers. Except for Nelipirtti where the toilets and showers are shared by two rooms. Our rooms are meant for 3-6 persons.

There are radiators, electricity, a coffee maker, a stove, some tableware and a refrigerator in all of our rooms and cottages.

Your room or cottage will be cleaned and ready for you at least by 3 pm on the day of arrival and the key needs to be returned by 12:00 am on the day of departure. All our accommodation types live up to hostel standards. Bed linen and towels can be rented from our reception.

You can also bring your pet with you. Our cottage "Kirsikka" is the only one where pets are not allowed. Please note that our southern beach where is a sauna is off-limits to pets. However they are allowed to swim on our northern beach.

More information of different accommodation types can be found here: