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Accommodation for four persons

In general

Kirsikka, Kristikka, Annikki, Taimela, Honkapirtti, Nelipirtti 1 and 4 and Tipula 1-5

Kirsikka, Kristikka, Annikki, Taimela and Honkapirtti are cottages. Kirsikka is located at an edge of lawn. Krisikka is off-limits to pets. Kristikka, Annikki, Taimela and Honkapirtti are located at cottage villages that have sea views. Nelipirtti 1 and 4 are located next to the reception building. Tipula 1-5 are rooms of a terraced house. They are also located next to the reception building.


There are radiators, electricity, a coffee maker, a stove, some tableware and a refrigerator in all of our rooms and cottages. Our cottages do not have running water.

Guests staying at Kirsikka have access to toilets and showers that are located at a corner of the reception building. Guests staying at Kristikka, Annikki, Taimela and Honkapirtti have access to toilet and shower vans that are located near the cottages. Nelipirtti 1 and 4 share toilets and showers with two rooms. Tipula 1-5 have their own toilets and showers.

Map of Lomavalkama

Current accommodation prices can be found here.

More pictures of a terraced house for four persons can be found here.

More pictures of cottages for four people can be found here.

More pictures of Nelipirtti 1 and 4 can be found here.