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Accommodation for six people

In general

Ainola, Kalliola and Nelipirtit 2-3

Both Ainola and Kalliola are cottages. Ainola is located on top of a solid rock that is right next to our beach. It has magnificent sea view. Kalliola is also located at solid rock that has a sea view. Nelipirtti 2 and 3 are next to the reception building.


There are radiators, electricity, a coffee maker, a stove, some tableware and a refrigerator in all of our rooms and cottages. Our cottages do not have running water.

Guests staying at Ainola and Kalliola have access to toilet and shower vans located near the cottages. Nelipirtti 2 and 3 share toilets and showers with two rooms.

Map of Lomavalkama

Current accommodation prices can be found here.

More pictures of cottages for six persons can be found here.

More pictures of Nelipirtti 2 and 3 can be found here.