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Accommodation for two persons

In general

Fasaani, Ruusunen, Tuhkimo, Vuoriniemi and Mäntylä

All of our accommodation options for two persons are cottages. Fasaani, Ruusunen and Tuhkimo are normal 8m² cottages. Vuoriniemi and Mäntylä are little bit bigger,  10m². Fasaani, Ruusunen and Tuhkimo are located at our camping site, which is at seashore. Vuoriniemi is located at a cottage village right next to the sea. Mäntylä is also located at a cottage village.


There are radiators, electricity, a coffee maker, a stove, some tableware and a refrigerator in all of our rooms and cottages. Our cottages do not have running water.

Guests who stay at Fasaani, Ruusunen or Tuhkimo can use showers and toilets which are located at the reception building. Guests who stay at Vuoriniemi and Mäntylä can use toilet and shower vans located near the cottages.

Map of Lomavalkama

Current accommodation prices can be found here here.

More pictures of cottages for two persons can be found here.