Sivusto ei tue käyttämääsi selainta. Suosittelemme selaimen päivittämistä uudempaan versioon.

Contact us


Lomavalkama Oy

Valkamantie 81

23360 Kustavi, Finland

N 60º 35' 03'' E 21º 18' 55"


Reception: +358400621490

Guided tours and groups: +358445042999


Reservations and general things:

Guided tours and groups:

Google maps

Driving instructions

From Turku: Drive along the highway Pori/Rauma for a few kilometers and turn right just after Raisio (sign: Kustavi). After arriving to Kustavi, turn right along the road "Pleikiläntie" (Lomavalkama-signposted). After 7 kilometers you will see our sign and will take the last turn to the right along the road "Valkamantie". We are situated about 75 kilometers from Turku.

From Pori: Drive along the highway Pori/Rauma/Turku until Laitila and turn towards Uusikaupunki. Head from Uusikaupunki to Taivassalo. Then follow the signs to Kustavi. After arriving to Kustavi, turn right along the road "Pleikiläntie" (Lomavalkama-signposted). After 7 kilometers you will see our sign and will take the last turn to the right along the road "Valkamantie".


Map of Lomavalkama.


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