Sivusto ei tue käyttämääsi selainta. Suosittelemme selaimen päivittämistä uudempaan versioon.


Lomavalkama is located between two shores. Our best beach for swimming is our southern beach that has also a sauna by the beach. The sauna by the beach has also a cozy fireplace room. There are also two other saunas in Lomavalkama. Both are located near the reception building. The sauna, which is located next to the reception building, is heated with wood. It can be heated by yourselves or by our staff. We recommend testing out that sauna for those that wish to have an authentic sauna experience.

The saunas are heated if they are booked beforehand.

Prices for saunas




Sauna by the beach

21 €/h

29 €/h

Sauna downstairs of reception

14 €/h

17 €/h

Sauna located next to reception (Heated with wood)

12 €/h

14 €/h